
Saturday, April 11, 2009

new ideas

I just stumbled onto a website that sells flushable diapers. You can either flush them, compost them or toss them out. They biodegrade in 50-150 days! Days! Not 500 years like the ones that I am currently using! I'm kinda bummed that I didn't find these sooner. I was against the whole clothe diaper thing, just because we didn't have a washer and dryer at the time and it would have cost a lot more (because I would have had to buy more in order to get through a week, due to not having a washer). It just seemed like a bigger hassle. Even though I was contributing to the pollution of our planet. But sometimes there just isn't a working solution that works out for both you and the earth. So we went for disposables. But now, there is a new solution. One that I am at least willing to try. I am going to see if it is worth it. Plus, since he has started eating more solid foods he has been getting a lot of diaper rash. Clothe diapers are suppose to help this. These are not clothe but they do not have any plastic in them, making them breathable. They are, however, built and used just like clothe diapers. They have liners (this is the flush-able part) and they you cover them with the diaper covers that come with them. I am going to buy the starter pack and see if it is worth buying any of the others. I am then going to make my own diaper covers. 1. because I have a bigger-than-normal baby and 2. because it will be much cheaper 3. and I can get a better fit on my rollie-pollie! 4. I can also afford to have more of them, especially since the website sells them for $18.99 or more. I can make at least 5 for that price! But I will keep posting to let you know if it is worth anything! Thanks for reading.

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