
Monday, June 28, 2010

Fibroid Tumors - TMI

So, it may turn out that I have Uterine Fibroids that are causing all of this bleeding. This is why all of the supplementation that I was using (herbs) were not working. After much more reading and research and talking to my mother-in-law (who in turn called her sister, another RN) I think I am experiencing this problem.

The symptoms I have seem to add up. Excessive bleeding for an excessive amount of time. Bleeding in between periods. A feeling of pressure (or in my case, fullness in the abdomen or my uterus). Clots and some pain. All of which are symptoms. Not to mention feeling super tired because of the lose of blood. Also, what they call "soiling" of your clothes due to gushes of blood at unexpected times. For example, I was sound asleep last night and woke to a gross gushing feeling and discovered that I not only bled through a super tampon (because the Diva Cup just wasn't cutting it- Boo!) and onto the bed! Fun times! So at 4:30 this morning I was up "fixing" my problems. UGHH!! Talk about frustrating!

Anyway, I am planning on going to go and see someone about it. I just have to wait for the insurance stuff to be approved. I don't want to go before because, God forbid, they tell me it was a pre-existing condition and won't pay for anything.

The scary thing is, everything that I read about the treatment of such a condition is scary! They start by saying stuff like: not everyone will need a hysterectomy. Did you read that???!?! Are they serious!? Other things are a D&C (although I heard this from my MIL and her sister not from any research I have done. BTW, that is a scrapping of the uterus). Hormone therapy (as in reducing estrogen output. I don't know how this is done). Some sort of MRI ablation (laser that is pinpointed to the spot and kills the tumor cells. Super scary. This is suppose to be the most non-invasive procedure. You will only be in twilight and it is outpatient). They can do a 3 inch abdominal incision, under full anesthesia, to remove the fibroids (I am afraid of this because they will also have to cut into the uterus to remove the fibroids. With my history of C-section, I don't want this to up my chance of not being able to have the option of a midwife, out-of-hospital birth.Which would probably be likely). There are also myomectomy procedures to remove the fibroids (these include laproscopic and the 3-inch thing above falls in this category go here to read more about this type of procedure and see what else in involved, if you so care to).

Anyway, I am super scared of all the options. I am still wanting more children and I am afraid that any of these options will interfere with the outcomes of my future births (if I am even able to get pregnant. -This, however, I am ready for, I have been prepared for this since I started my period. It has never been normal. I was always told I would have problems and I would lose pregnancies.- I hope it is not as bad as all this).

I am just in the beginning stages and I hope I am wrong about what is going on. Wish me luck and Gods guidance. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason (like with Kaine, I enjoyed every part of it-  I thought it was going to be hard and it wasn't- therefore, I still felt like the pregnancy was a miracle because, as I was told, I was not suppose to be that easy). Anyway, that's all I have to say about that, for now. (Rhiannon- maybe this is why November is going to be a surprise??)

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