Let me first start by saying we are officially trying to conceive! We are no longer waiting. Hopefully we will be able to announce something soon!
We have been talking about this for some time. I wanted to document our decision. That is what this post is about. We really do believe that midwives and even *some* OB's have their place. We just couldn't find any around here that meshed with our beliefs about birth.
Here is what I believe (since I can only speak for myself). I believe women have an inner voice that guides them. If you don't ignore it, you will be able to intercept messages that will lead you in the right way. You have to be open and ready to listen and do what it says. This is the basis of my decision to go unassisted while in "child-bed". (Of course, it was precipitated by the unnecessary c-section that I got (because people lost patience). Even though, I do believe that Kaine was in a bad position, due to unnecessary interventions prior to labor - stripping of membranes, castor oil, pitocin and on and on). Childbirth just happens. You have to give it time (something I wasn't given). I believe that if you are in your own space you will be more comfortable and able to give birth more effectively. I also believe that, for some, problems do arise and do exist. However, I do believe that being in a hospital or with a caregiver you are giving up your rights to refuse care (because you already have accepted) and fall into the "fear mongering" path. Anyway, being in your own space and in your own mind and body, in my opinion, puts you in a place to intercept problems before they become serious. You can then make informed decisions and actually choose, without pressure, what you would do.
I also happen to believe that women, who prepare themselves, can give birth without fear and without pain. Don't get me wrong, birth has pain, but it doesn't have to be all-consuming. You can master it and you can overcome the "discomfort". Preparation is the foundation for greatness. Birth can be something that is like a "rite-of-passage" (which I truly believe it is), if you are willing to let it happen.
*I believe some OB are just there to collect a paycheck and get the "wow, you deliver babies" big heads. Others, though it seems few and far between, believe in a woman's ability to birth. And even still others are there because, unfortunately, there is a need for surgical births (for a select few).
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