
Saturday, April 2, 2011


Announcing that we are pregnant has got me really excited. I just can't seem to hold it in. I know I should be but, as it seems, my inability to keep a secret has started to show its ugly little head. We have wanted this for so long. Many people are walking this journey with us too. I have to admit, I am not very good at this. I have already told both my sisters, Cassie, my neighbor (who I don't even know) and my mom (because she suddenly said she wasn't going to Disney and it took all I could do to keep from bursting! BTW, she already knew. What is it about Mom's?). So, now we have Matt's family, my dad, aunts, uncles, cousins, everyone else to tell. I do think that that is going to have to wait though. I want some sort of element of surprise, especially for my in-laws. Not really sure why, I just think they would appreciate it more. I am still thinking of getting Kaine a shirt that says "Big Brother".

In other pregnancy related news (yes, you are going to have to put up with this for the next nine months! lol) I think we are having a girl this time. I know I am only 7 weeks but, I have this strange feeling there is a girl in there. I felt completely fine with Kaine. In fact, didn't know I was pregnant (haven't I mentioned this before? lol). I never had any sort of morning or day/night sickness with him. I felt fine. Well, almost fine. I did have this weird "maybe I am coming down with something" feeling and horrible sinus pain (what is that about?). Other than that, nada! This time around I am REALLY cranky (so much so that that is an understatement!). I have actually felt sick, as in, "Oh no! I think I might puke!" (but, thank God, have not actually done so). Had food aversions- I don't feel like eating. I must say though, that the only improvement that I have seen is that I am not as sleepy as I was the first go-round. I can remember sitting on the couch and watching tv or something around 7 or 8 pm and literally falling dead asleep. Maybe it is because I am not working? Maybe it is because when I actually get tired I have the leisure of sitting down for a few minutes (hours, j/k) and recouping? All I know is, the insomnia has hit early! I remember having horrible insomnia during the last 2 months. I would go down and get up around 3 am (like now) and not be able to fall asleep again until anywhere between 5-7am. Then, of course, I would have to go into work and feel like crap all day! (This is probably why I passed out at 8 pm!!) Anyway, I am watching what is going on and trying to take cues from my body and follow them. So far, so good!

Oh, we already have baby names too: Twins*- Emma and Eli or for singletons just Emma or just Eli.

        *And yes, I am sure if you know me at all, you will know that twins are a passion of mine! I desire to have them more than anything else that I can imagine! I know, most people, like you, think I am crazy! Like I told Erin when she found out her first were two: "What a wonderful blessing! Just think how God must feel about you, to entrust you with two instead of one!" That is how I feel anyway. They would truly be a double blessing to this family!! (No, twins don't run in my family. I did read just the other day that that only counts for fraternal twins anyway. You can still have identical-the more rare kind-without any history of twinning going on! Cross your fingers :). )

1 comment:

  1. Loren twins are a blessing and I am living proof that twinning can be totally random! Eli is my favorite favorite boy name !!!!! It's Ryans middle but would have been his first name if the decision had been all mine ;)
    Congratulations !
