
Monday, November 2, 2009

Finding a Voice

Finding a Voice in the darkness is scary. Trying to find your own footing alongside of those you love. How do you have your own person without detaching from the ones that got you to this place? Or the ones that are still here helping you to climb your rock wall? Do you move on and leaves people behind or just find another position for you and them to play at?

Halloween was really fun. Bummed it wasn't the next night. It was SO hot and humid. Kaine only made it down two streets before we had to remove his costume. A furry elephant isn't good for 90% humidity!! But he did have this really cute skeleton "ribcage" shirt on that looked like he was eating Halloween candy! So, it still looked like he was festive! He didn't have any idea what was going on. He liked it at first and even tried to enter a few houses when we let him walk. We quickly learned, however, that carrying him and picking him up and down from the stroller was not going to be such a great option! So, into the stroller he went and we just rolled him up to the doors. Everyone was saying it was such a good idea! I got stuck a few times though. We took up too much space and had to wait until all of the kids cleared out for us to turn and go back down the walk. But it was fine and a lot of fun! I do, as I said earlier, wish it was cooler. The next night you would have thought we moved or something. It was seriously cooler! Hopefully, Matt will make a decision soon and we will be on some sort of new turf. What ever that may be!

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