Nov. 6, 2009. This was our Boy Scout Campout day. So, what happened you ask? We got out there, set up a tent in the dark. Cooked dinner in the dark. That is, after someone let us borrow their stove because are stove was arcaic and did not take the fuel that I bought. Ate our dinner and then watched kids run around and play. Now here comes the fun part. We went to bed or, at least, tried to. Matt had Kaine in the car for 2 hours trying to get him to go to sleep. Trying everything. They finally called lights out (I was reading to Jordan in our tent, trying to get him to sleep). I went to get Matt, thinking that Kaine would sleep if we were all in the tent and it was quiet outside. WELL, we were all in the tent, at least. Here is the problem:
- The tent next to us had a lantern in the tree that they would not turn off. TOO MUCH LIGHT.
- 4 or 5 guys (much older, therefore, should know better) decided to stay up and talk beside the fire. TALKED AS IF EVERYONE WAS STILL AWAKE. Therefore, every time Kaine would start to look as if he MIGHT fall asleep, he was awakened with loud talk or laughter.
- Matt had to pee and would not sit still
- Jordan could not get comfortable and his sleeping bag kept rustling around (not his fault, of course!)
- It was cold (but this wasn't a factor until later, he had layers on and 4 blankets
- Kaine picked up a cold in the middle of the night and could not breathe (biggest factor!)
- Kaine would move
- I would wake
- Cover Kaine up
- Try to fall back asleep
- Kaine would lose binky and fuss
- I would find it and he would sleep
- Repeat steps 5 and 6
- Would move Kaine to get him more comfortable
- Tried to put a hat on him
- Kaine woke up because his nose was too stuffed and he couldn't breathe with a binky
- Kaine finally gave up on sleeping
- I was not sleeping
- Motherly instinct kicked in
- Got Kaine
- Opened Tent
- Went to car by moonlight
- Woke Matt
- Matt wrote directions home
- Matt woke Den Leader for gate code
- Matt took food from car
- We left
- Matt went to the tent with Jodan
- We drove home at 1:30 am
- Got home at 3 am
- Laid Kaine down
- Put dog in workshop
- Turned heater on for him
- Stepped on rusty nail
- Gave Kaine a bottle
- Went to bed!
- Woke at 10 am, hoping Jordan was not traumatized!
Other than that the camping was fun. Dinner that we made was great! We had fun running around. Amazingly, even after all of this, I have not given up. I just have to find what works! Crazy, I think that is in the eye of the beholder!
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