
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Vaccine Update and other Stuff

We have decided to go ahead and get the exemption, just so we can follow our current schedule. I don't know how the school will react to this, however, that is not a motivating factor. If anything, I can look into home-school preschool stuff for us to play around with. The only thing that will be missing is his exposure to other children, which was really the point. He is so ready to be in a social situation. So, school is on a wait-and-see type of track.

We went to Matt's parents house and left the binky and blanket by accident. I wasn't all that worried, until he kept asking for it when he got tired. I tried to rock him with milk, lay down with him and sing some of his favorite songs (this did make him stop crying and listen to the song, until it was over anyway). I finally had to put him in the car and drive around the neighborhood with the Peter Pan on CD playing in the car (Thanks Jessica!). That did it! He slept until 3am. He, however, did NOT go back down after that and we drove home in the fog and wee hours with a fussy baby and two tired and irritated adults! It was not fun. Mostly, I felt really bad for him. His poor little heart was broken, it was so incredibly sad! This experience has really made me not look forward to the time (which I thought was now) for him to get rid of his binky. Ugh, now I have no idea how we are going to do it or get through it! Poor little guy.

On another note. I have discovered how to make chai and cook baked goods without eggs! The chia was easy until I had to figure out how to drain it with cheesecloth. That was not fun. Then, I grew a brain and put it in the juicer and got some really good chia out of it! So yummy! Then, we wanted to make cake and didn't have eggs. So, Matt remembered you could use bananas and I couldn't remember if that was for eggs or not, so this site to the rescue! We made a yummy vanilla, banana cake!

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