So, I guess my blog is boring lately. I haven't really been inspired to talk about anything but babies and bleeding. Sorry. I am not so sure this is over either. If you would like to stop reading (I think you already have) go ahead. This is more about leaving my thoughts for my kids anyway. I want them to be able to go through the processes with me. I would have given anything to read my parents thoughts on the why and wherefore of most of their decisions. But, alas, God knows best and I would be no where near the person I am today for not having gone through ton (so it seems to me) of life's struggles. I only hope I can pass on my knowledge to our next generation without bitterness of spirit.
Here are my goals for our lives (thus far):
What has brought this sudden change in me? God of course. But I have been reading a book called, "The Excellent Wife". It is a Biblical perspective on how wives are to behave and live their lives. It really opened my eyes to all of the things that we hear in the church or growing up, that many of us reject to follow. I, personally, have to say that I was the Queen Bee of rebellion when it came to such things as:
I have been on a journey since I got married to find what God had planned for our lives. I think I have finally found the path. I have gotten myself out of the way and even submitted to hearing, no listening, what God has to say on the matter. I know I am no where near what God has planned. But, bear with me, I am trying and I am bound to make mistakes. What better learning medium is there?
Here are my goals for our lives (thus far):
- I want to follow God's plan for my life
- I feel I must make a note here. I say "my life" because that is all God really gives me control over (although, we are told to teach our young and those women who are younger than ourselves)
- God's plan for me:
- To put myself under my husband's authority
- To be a housewife and do my work joyfully
- To raise my children in the Christian way
- To have my family be in God's way
- God has revealed to me that I must only worry about "what I am doing wrong" not what other people are doing.
- This goes along with the whole verse or speech about "those without sin, throw the first stone"
- God as revealed to me that being in the popular way of the world are NOT how Christians are to live
- We should "be in the world but, not of the world"
What has brought this sudden change in me? God of course. But I have been reading a book called, "The Excellent Wife". It is a Biblical perspective on how wives are to behave and live their lives. It really opened my eyes to all of the things that we hear in the church or growing up, that many of us reject to follow. I, personally, have to say that I was the Queen Bee of rebellion when it came to such things as:
- Submission
- Authority roles
- Women's rightful, God ordained roles
- Womanhood
I have been on a journey since I got married to find what God had planned for our lives. I think I have finally found the path. I have gotten myself out of the way and even submitted to hearing, no listening, what God has to say on the matter. I know I am no where near what God has planned. But, bear with me, I am trying and I am bound to make mistakes. What better learning medium is there?
Hey lady! I am definitely reading along. I don't always agree with the things I find here, but I had to say that I do support you in this. I struggle with submission too. Sometimes I think I'm too independent for my own good. Anyway, just know that even if this approach to life isnt popular, you arent alone.