
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Life in the making

Did I mention we finally got insurance? We are all covered and it is right at $200 a month. Shocker there. But, it is done and I no longer have to worry about "what I am going to do".

Anyway, I am sure you guys are tired of hearing about this, but here is some more information about what is going on with me. I am crying at every little thing these days. I feel like I am pregnant. My hormones are all crazy and weird. I know I am not, thanks to the blood test. I just know my hormones are nuts. I am considering going back and seeing what type of blood test I can get to test my hormones. But I don't think it is just one test, I think I have to have a few different panels done. I am not sure, of course. I am going to call Maryanne and update her on the whole thing and see what she says. More to come, soon enough.

Kaine is doing well. He seems to be getting bitten by a ton of bugs lately though. They love him. Poor guy has about 10 bites that he keeps messing with (his legs look beautiful!). I thought they would be gone by now but, he keeps opening them up. He looks like an orphan! Anyway, he is doing well and finally sleeping more predictably. He rarely gets up at night now. When he does he only wants to make sure we are there and a few sips of milk. I am truly happy about this. I have noticed, since we were at Grandma's this weekend that he does much better on a bed in the same room. He stirred at one point in the night and all I did was put my hand on him and he literally FELL back to sleep. It was amazing! However, I did go to lay down with him the other day and he said, "No, don't lay". So, I feel confident that he does not feel abandoned in his room and is ready to be there now. He said, "Night, love you" and I walked out. He did the same to Matt a few days before. It was great progress.  I am thrilled to be posting this. I hope he will stay this way and the next one will be an even better baby. (On this note, I now see where we went wrong with Kaine and I do not plan to go the same route with the next ones - If God sees fit to grant us more children. Boy, do we hope He does!)

We met with the lender today also. After I was 30 minutes late because I couldn't find the place! I do so hate to be late! They took all of Matt's information and the ball is now rolling. We shall know something soon. I hope it is good news and we are able to find a good place that has all we want and desire! Send up some good thoughts for us!

That's all for now...

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