The house thing has fallen through. They want us to have all of this money, that we don't have, in the bank. I see where they are coming from. I think we have decided to take a year to really save and get a better perspective on the whole thing.
The good news. Because we have been saving for a house, I now have money to put toward getting the ball rolling on Midwifery school. (Counter productive to the house thing). It is a more immediate need. I am planning on doing something a little extra, to stand out. Also, I believe more in it than just "getting what I need to get in". I have been thinking a lot lately about what path I would like to go. This is what I have so far:
-Going to the Bradley Method Conference in October (to become an instructor-which will fulfill the Birth Education prerequisite)
-taking a business math class in the fall (to get the college math credits that I need out of the way) (which can only help with the business aspect of midwifery, right?)
-taking a breastfeeding educator class (probably through the Birth Center, not sure yet)
-taking a Doula course (probably through BC also, haven't decided)
So, I want to get things moving. I feel like I have been thinking about it too much and just need to move on to doing it. Get in it and figure out what comes next.
I love that, with the application process, I found people who were (surprisingly) willing to support me. I love that people believe in me the way that I would only hope they would (even if they don't believe in the things that I believe in). Thank you. A thousand times, thank you!
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