Have you guessed what it might be? Well...have you?? hehe.
Yesterday was Matt's birthday. I wanted to wait and test (you know what I mean!) until this day. I really felt lead to wait. So, I waited. But, instead of testing, I went into the bathroom (the most private place in the whole house!) and took a Bible with me. I have, I don't know if I have ever mentioned this before, a connection with God through asking questions and being able to open right up to the passage/verse that I need. (If that didn't make any sense, it hopefully will soon.) So, I went into the bathroom and asked God for a sign. I opened the Bible, and lo and behold (!) the very first verse I read said this (unfortunately, I didn't write down the reference!):
Also, speaking of people pestering me; we aren't planning on telling anyone about our pregnancy until about five months or so. I am a bit larger, body wise, so I don't think this should be a problem. And, of course, just in case something happens (which I have a peace about, regarding that this one is good and viable!) we don't want people getting their hopes up or making a bigger deal (or not such a big deal-which is worse) out of our loss. People were really bad about pestering me last time. I was REALLY stressed out and I didn't enjoy any of that short-lived pregnancy. So, in keeping with harmony and peace, no one will know until Christmas or around/past the New Year.
*Oh also, Kaine starts school next Wednesday. Meet the teacher is on Friday. And! It has taken me triple the time to type this because Kaine pulled off the "I" button on our laptop and we can't find it anywhere. It is really annoying! More on all of this later. *Blessings!
Yesterday was Matt's birthday. I wanted to wait and test (you know what I mean!) until this day. I really felt lead to wait. So, I waited. But, instead of testing, I went into the bathroom (the most private place in the whole house!) and took a Bible with me. I have, I don't know if I have ever mentioned this before, a connection with God through asking questions and being able to open right up to the passage/verse that I need. (If that didn't make any sense, it hopefully will soon.) So, I went into the bathroom and asked God for a sign. I opened the Bible, and lo and behold (!) the very first verse I read said this (unfortunately, I didn't write down the reference!):
"Let this be a sign unto you"
How awesome, incredible and totally divine is that!!?? I knew God wouldn't let me down! Also, Matt got the birthday wish that he wanted granted. When I asked him what he wanted for his birthday, he said, jokingly, "Make me a baby!" lol. Well, God knows (and perhaps has a greater sense of humor than I already thought) the desires of our hearts. He is faithful and deserves ALL the glory!
We also got our speculum in, that I mentioned that I ordered in one of my lasts posts. Matt and I checked last night, out of pure curiosity (not lack of faith in God's Word) to see what Chadwick's sign looks like. We got a definite positive Chadwick sign. It looked just like all of the pictures I have ever seen of it. Plus, it was cool, which, I suspect, was the whole reason we wanted to look in the first place. (Did I mention that such things DO NOT gross out my husband? Well, they don't. Which, I am so grateful to say, is one of the things that makes us work so well!)
So, according to my calculations we are 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant! I am currently having:
- Mood swings
- Restless leg syndrom
- Hunger
- Engulfing sleepiness (except at night)
- Insomnia
- Stomach/Intestinal issues
- Nausea
- Sore/Tender Breasts
- Plate-like areolas
- Lower back/body aches
- Missed period
- Sensitivity to smells
- And all that was mentioned before
- High, softer, closed cervix
- Clear fluid discharge
Also, speaking of people pestering me; we aren't planning on telling anyone about our pregnancy until about five months or so. I am a bit larger, body wise, so I don't think this should be a problem. And, of course, just in case something happens (which I have a peace about, regarding that this one is good and viable!) we don't want people getting their hopes up or making a bigger deal (or not such a big deal-which is worse) out of our loss. People were really bad about pestering me last time. I was REALLY stressed out and I didn't enjoy any of that short-lived pregnancy. So, in keeping with harmony and peace, no one will know until Christmas or around/past the New Year.
*Oh also, Kaine starts school next Wednesday. Meet the teacher is on Friday. And! It has taken me triple the time to type this because Kaine pulled off the "I" button on our laptop and we can't find it anywhere. It is really annoying! More on all of this later. *Blessings!