
Monday, July 18, 2011

Cleaning Up My Body

I have decided to detox. Today is day one. It is suppose to be a 4-week plan. Each week focuses on a different part of the body. This week is the kidneys and the intestines. Lot's of fruits, juices (freshly juiced in my awesome juicer that my mom gave us when Kaine was born-so I could make him healthy foods!), veggies, cranberry juice (highly diluted-thank goodness, that stuff is expensive!), and lot's and lots of water.
I am doing detox to jump-start my weight loss. I have really been trying to find the perfect plan for us (because, we basically ALL have to be on a diet for it to work for me! lol). It has been hard and I haven't been able to stick with ANY of them. But, this is affordable and easily attainable, because I am not eating much.
Here is a break down of a "normal" Phase 1 day:
  • Warm water with lemon, upon rising
  • Skin brushing (to help with lymph pick-up and circulation)
  • 30 minute brisk walk
  • Cranberry juice and water (1:4) with psyllium husks
  • Apple (for the pectin)
  • Water throughout the day
  • Fruit all morning
  • Large salad for lunch
  • Wait 2-3 hours before eating again
  • Eat more fruit if hungry
  • Large salad and vegetarian meal for dinner
Each week you add something more to this plan. Basically, this plan allows your body to rest. Which, honestly, I think it will be a sigh of relief for my body. Especially since it is still acting up. I really hope this helps regulate my hormones and menstrual cycle too. I want a baby! Nothing worth having is ever easy to come by, right? So, the hard work starts here. It is time that I take getting this weight off seriously and seriously start to look to the future. I am very hopeful, even if this adventure doesn't result in a baby. I REALLY do need to lose weight, no matter what. My future will look much better (for all of us) if I was 40-50lbs lighter. That is not just about vanity either, being lighter will give me much more energy, stamina and the will to get things done! If a baby happens to come along too, that is great. But, we aren't trying right now. The weight comes first and then, in a few months, we will start to try again.

Oh, and also, I have started on my progesterone regime. I am not sure if I have talked about this or not. I have been reading, reading, reading, and reading about how to get my body into a good childbearing situation. But, you know you can't get pregnant if you never stop bleeding in the first place! So, what to do, what to do? That has been my constant question. So, I found a fabulous website that walks you through everything. Here is the link: Natural Fertility Information. It is very informative. If you are really interested in the progesterone thing here is the link to that: Progesterone Fertility Guide. I am just using it to regulate my cycle and get the bleeding to stop. I am now going on six weeks of bleeding because my body is just making a really thick lining and it isn't able to shed it appropriately. So, the progesterone is going to level everything out. And, it has considerably lessened my bleeding. I also barely have any clots. A BIG - HUGE improvement to what it was! Plus, it has only been one week. I can't wait to see what happens when this stuff starts to build up in my system. I might be a completely new woman! *Here's to hoping!* So, day one and week one have been successful. I hope it stays like this! :)

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