
Thursday, October 4, 2012

October 2012 already!

Hey! It's been a really long time. I have been without a laptop for a long time. Matt just found a cord for one (of the three we have) and now I am back in business!

Well, a ton of things have been happening. And since I didn't take the time to see what I posted last (cause, we all do that, right?) there might be some repeats in this post.

We started Homeschooling, officially, on September 4, 2012. Kaine is registered with Kolbe Academy as a Kindergartner. We started him a year early. I might have already explained why we did this but, I am not sure, so I will again. As I was looking over the curriculum for Pre-K, I realized that it is the same stuff he has already done, for two years in a row! So, we decided that it was time, and Kaine was ready, for the next level. So, Kindergarten at four it is! He is doing really well. His subjects are: Math, Phonics, Religion, Memory Verse, Music, Art, Handwriting, Science and Science Experiments. Some of the things I added to the curriculum are music, art and memory verses. I thought they would be good extras. We also do Prayer, Pledge, Calendar and Weather. This means that we are mostly doing prayer memorization; the pledge of allegiance; going over the calendar to recognize month, days, year and holidays; and looking out the window to discover what the days weather might be. I have to say it is going really well. Much better, in some areas, than I expected. Much worse than I expected in others, such as Handwriting! Oh, Handwriting how I loathe you! (It is getting better but, that first lesson was frustrating for both of us!) The best part is, we are learning together, I am able to see how he learns, what he is learning and what he is struggling with (so he can have more one-on-one instruction). Also, a big plus is that if he gets something right away, we can move on to something new (no wasting time). If we also don't get some things, we can decide to do more supplemental things or wait until later (when cognitive development might be better for understanding subject matter). So, all-in-all, it has been a learning experience for us both. We have had to adjust our thinking about what school is and what it means to us.

In health matters, I have gotten a little bit better. I have been talking Vitex and it seems to have helped the flooding issue I was having. However, I think my body has become used to the dose and symptoms are starting to come back. I am currently looking for a reproductive endocrinologist to help with my PCOS. I am also hoping this specialists can help me get pregnant, regulate my hormones and get things back to, or as close to normal as possible. So, the journey continues. I am hoping by Christmas I will have a clearer picture of what my health is going to look like for the long term.

If I haven't said so already, I am no longer working or looking for work. I have been able to rest, recover some and reassess my goals. I have been blessed to know that what I am doing (staying home, homeschooling) is what I am suppose to be doing. It has brought me real happiness. I feel like I can make a true difference. I have also realized that change comes in small doses. If you really want to make a difference, like I do, than you should do it one person at a time. (Not that group charity is at all bad.) I feel like making a difference in one person's life is just as spectacular as changing a million lives. And, honestly, who knows what the life you change will change later. Joseph made a decision to keep Mary, even though she was pregnant out of wedlock, and look what happened to the life he decided to honor (instead of destroy, it could have been a great loss). So, by doing my small part, I am trusting God to honor it and use it for His greater good.

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