
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I'm confused

I am really confused lately. My body seems to be rebelling or something! I thought I was ovulating the last few days, but now I feel like I am about to have a period. It is so weird! I missed (sort of) my last period due to the stupid yeast/whatever infection I had. I experienced some spotting that looked like old brown blood a few days past my "expected" period (I say that bc mine are so irregular). I thought it was all over. My cervix even started to move up and I was having the urge to have sex (which usually means I am ripe). It was completely out of the way on Monday (and we did have sex). However, I have noticed this morning that I had some tinged pink discharge. My vulva is starting to feel dry again and I have patches of itchiness! What the hell?! Are we just overdoing the sex thing?? Is my diet really suck-y?? (Which I think it is! Too many sweets, lol!) Or did the tea I made (ironically to help promote fertility and support of my uterus) actually backfire? I am crampy too. I have also been a bit moody, a-la premenstrual symptoms! UGH!! Am I really going to have to wait ANOTHER month!

                                                                                 -Confused, frustrated, annoyed and itchy!! 

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